July 10, 2009

Why So Serious?(The Dark Knight (2008))

This is probably one of the most famous quotes of 2008 summer thriller The Dark Knight. As a sequel to Batman Begins (2005) Cristopher Nolan has succeeded in producing yet another masterpiece. Induced in the superhero villain category this movie stands above the rest in its genre as it is much more than an ordinary flick in this genre. Needless to say, this movie does go into psychological aspect of human nature and proves to be a breakthrough film in the superhero movie genre.

As for the story, Batman (Christian Bale) faces off against Joker, played by Heath Ledger. Gotham City is already in ruins with countless mobsters and villains trying to make life miserable, but the city’s new DA Harvey Dent is determined to stand up to the evil lurking in the city.However a new villain emerges in the scene, with no morals and no rules, terror is unleashed in the Gotham city. Ledger’s performance in Dark knight is mind blowing. Also the batman is much more confident in this movie, unlike the first one where Bruce Wayne had to know about himself, this movie focuses much more on batman and his crime fighting ability. And Batman is no mere guy in a suit, he is symbol of hope and goodwill, in a city with a thin line of good and evil, where services of the caped crusader were desperately needed. Joker in this movie plans to destroy all the good that is left in the Gotham City. Joker unleashes chaos and tests the very existence of morals in the society, psychologically which is why he is so terrorizing. Also this film is much more realistic than the others in this genre; Nolan focuses more on reality rather than pure action sequences or theatricality. The cinematography of the movie is top class, with excellent lighting and camerawork the film succeeds to catch the energy of the high action sequences. Gotham City was captured excellently; you could feel the terror unleashed by the Joker in the movie.

The acting in this film is excellent. With a plethora of great actors like Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine as the trustworthy butler, Christian Bale as Batman you could always count on this movie to be a Box Office hit. I should say that defining performance in this movie was delivered by Late Heath Ledger as the Joker. He did receive a posthumous Oscar for his role, and in words of actor Kevin Kline, who unveiled his nomination,” In a year of striking film images, perhaps the most unforgettable was that of a man, his face smeared with clown make-up, gleefully sticking his head out of a speeding car, relishing the night wind and reveling in the chaos he has unleashed on the streets of Gotham City. “

"Menacing, mercurial, droll and diabolical, Heath Ledger as the Joker in 'The Dark Knight' kept us all on edge, anxious to see which act of appalling mischief he might commit next."

This movie has all the elements of a great film and tops the IMDb’s list as one of the best movies in this decade. A must watch movie even if you don’t read comic books or believe in superhero movies, for this movie is well beyond that.


  1. Nice review. You entice me to watch the movie. But have heard the late Heath Ledger played an exceptional role

  2. Don't know about you guys, but this is my all time favourite movie. The character of a murdering psychopath like the Joker struck me as intriguing, as well as scary. He is cold-blooded and merciless- the image of him laughing hysterically at the dreadful mayhem he had created still sends shivers down my spine. That such a human being can exist has left me at my wits end.

    Christopher Nolan is my favourite director, and Christian Bale one of my favourite actors. Another excellent choice, Four!

  3. And Damu, watch the movie a.s.a.p. You have no idea what you are missing.

    And four, remove word verification. Its a pain in the ass.
